Letter from Wendy and The Crew at Judith McGrann & Friends
I hope that you all have been staying safe and healthy. I wanted to wait for the right time to reach out to our Judith McGrann & Friends community. Like many of you I am left with the uncertainty of what is next. Although I am hopeful, I am cautious as I navigate forward to do what is best for all. I am positive that we will come out on the other side wiser, calmer, and overall, in a better world than we had before.
As a parent of 3 amazing boys I realize we may never have had this time with each other. We find ourselves eating our evening meals together. The boys are taking bike rides, playing lacrosse and basketball with each other, and even learned to play backgammon from my Israeli husband (Backgammon is an Israeli pastime). It fills my heart with so much emotion in so many ways. One moment I find myself laughing with enormous pride and the next crying at the state of what is and how this has affected the world. My oldest graduated college last spring and decided to continue his education in a certification course which wrapped up middle Feb. He was in the middle of job searching. My middle son is to graduate this spring from Gettysburg College, while my youngest a junior in high school is navigating the world of college admissions.
I want you to know I am here for the long haul. I bought JM&F three plus years ago because it was a passion that I had always had. I brag to people that I was lucky to be able to get such a great business, but it was the blessings that came with the business that was the surprise. Inside the four walls I inherited the most amazing women on planet earth. They make this business what it is. They are the faces that collectively bring that passion to you every day. I am truly blessed to be living my dream and to do it with the most talented staff in the industry.
Going forward we are going to do our best. That means we are going to do what we can to stay true to our authentic community and keep everyone safe. As you all know it is an ever evolving new territory that is constantly changing. We will be moving slowly and making very thoughtful, deliberate decisions that could change many times. We will do our best to keep you informed.
For now we are happy to take phone calls or face time if there are things that you need. We can arrange for curbside pickup or delivery if necessary. We cannot open our doors yet and it will be a matter of time before we can. In the meantime we will do our best to help you if there are things you would like.
Stay well and be safe,
God Bless!!!
Wendy and The Crew of JM&F